One month with a wild mustang...

Click on the video below to watch!



  1. Erin, congrats on your new mustang and your website! I have a question, why can't the horses just be released again? Why wouldn't someone like you just let them go in the wild again?

  2. Hi Libby! Thank you for your kind words.

    Mustangs can't be released back into the wild for a few reasons:
    -It is illegal.
    -The Bureau of Land Management has branded them so they could be identified as a captured mustang. If someone was to release their mustang back into the wild the BLM would see it and recapture it.
    -When a stallion is removed from the wild, he is gelded immediately, which removes a lot of his natural behaviors that make a wild horse wild. The BLM has actually experimented (unfortunately) with capturing stallions, gelding them, and releasing them back into the wild and they often become "outcasts" in a way.

    There are several mustang rescues that have a lot of private property and have started a sanctuary where captured mustangs can be released into large open spaces and live free. For example, Skydog Sanctuary in Oregon owns 9,000+ acres and has about 200 mustangs. Many mustangs are given the opportunity to live "wild" again on these private sanctuaries, but they cannot be released back onto their native rangelands.


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