Take Action
Get Involved with Mustang Mission
Please pray for us and our wild horses and burros! That is the greatest action you can take.
Share our website and fundraiser with everyone you know! Sharing is one of the most important things that you can do.
Donate if you can. We are relying on donations to get us started and keep us going. Mustang Mission is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, so your donations are tax-deductible. Please visit our donation page.
Volunteer with Mustang Mission! We have a few volunteer opportunities available. Fill out this form if you are interested in volunteering.
If you live near Mustang Mission (Springfield, Georgia), please contact Erin to learn more about how you can help within our communities.
Get Involved with Protecting our Mustangs and Burros
Educate yourself on the plight of wild horses and burros! There are many good websites and resources that are very helpful and educational. Here is a list of resources to look up:
Books & Documentaries:
- Cloud; Wild Stallion of the Rockies books and DVDs, by Ginger Kathrens.
- Wild Lands Wild Horses - Twin Peaks, by Jamie Baldanza and Deb Lee Carson
- Wild at Heart, by Terri Farley.
Remove livestock from our public lands! If livestock were removed, there would be little to no issue with wild horses and burros staying on their native rangelands. Welfare Ranching: The Subsidized Destruction of the American West is a great book to read on the looming problem of livestock on public lands - it's a far greater threat to all of our wildlife and wildlands than many people imagine.
Be a champion for our wild horses and burros! Share their struggles and tell their stories. Educate your friends and family on the plight of these beautiful animals and contact your legislators often! You will find that there are many things you can do. We can only make a change by working together.