
*Mustang Mission is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.  Your donations are tax-deductible.

Donate to Mustang Mission

Other ways you can support Mustang Mission:
  • Donate via PayPal: @mustangmission
  • Tractor Supply Wish List (once you put the item(s) in your cart, be sure that the curbside/pickup in-store is set for Rincon, GA (31326) and that my name and contact information (Erin Phillips,, 912-659-0548) is set as the pickup person.)
  • Join our Patreon membership group.
  • Shop our store on Bonfire.
  • If you want to be notified of other opportunities to donate, sign up to our email newsletter.

Thank you for supporting Mustang Mission!  Your donation fuels our mission to give mustangs and burros in desperate need another chance.  If you would like to mail a check to us or donate another way, please contact us.

Wild Horse from Nevada rescued by Mustang Mission


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