As you know, there are a lot of sad and horrible situations that come to light when rescuing horses. In this email, I wanted to give you a peek into something I recently saw on the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) online auction coming up. I believe it’s important that you know what is happening to our mustangs and burros.

The grim reality.

This gelding is extremely thin - noticeable ribs, a thin neck, and protruding hips. This sorrel mustang is the face of mustangs that suffer in holding due to lack of care. Sadly, our tax dollars are paying the BLM to “care” for this mustang. I can’t know all the details, but it is very likely that this mustang is at the bottom of the pecking order in his holding pen and is being chased away from food. The holding pens are so crowded there is likely nowhere for this gelding to go where he can eat in peace. Honestly, he is so thin that he’s a horse I would’ve expected to see in a kill pen, not in the care of a government organization that receives billions of dollars each year for its wild horse and burro program.

Since pictures are worth a thousand words, please visit the Bureau of Land Management's website to see more pictures and a video of this mustang, #4840.

It’s really hard for me to know that I cannot save them all. I can’t even save this mustang, but I can use his story to cause others to fight for ALL mustangs in hopes that this horrible government management plan will end. There’s a lot of information online guiding you in ways to take action for wild horses - including my website, The Cloud Foundation, and the American Wild Horse Campaign.

However, this mustang needs help right now! If any of you are interested in rescuing this mustang or know of anyone who might be, please contact me immediately ( The auction begins soon! I can help you through the bidding/adoption process, training/gentling (virtually or in person), and possibly transport.

The happy endings.

I can’t send out an email about suffering mustangs without including what YOU’VE done for two mustangs who were in similar situations as the gelding above. Ember and Alamo are now thriving, thanks to you. Ember was a thin, scared little filly, heading to a kill pen when we stepped in to change her life. Alamo was an unwanted, forgotten warrior mustang with nowhere to go. Their lives are drastically different because of you. The Bible says, “A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast” (Proverbs 12:10). Thank you so, so much for caring.

I want you to know that I am not writing this email to have you read a sad, emotional story, but to help you realize what is happening to our wild horses and burros. This is why I fight for these beautiful pieces of God’s creation and why Mustang Mission exists. Moments like these, make me fight even harder. I will never stop until they’re all rescued. ❤️

Thank you for joining us in this fight - we can make a difference!

Erin Phillips

“Not one of them is forgotten before God.” Luke 12:6


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